
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 24.11.2003 11:58:00

D’ARCY-TEAM / Liviu Lambrino is the new General Manager of the D’Arcy Adverising Company

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 23, 2003 / Starting November 2003, the D’Arcy Advertising Company has a new General Manager, Liviu Lambrino, according to a press release broadcast by the D’Arcy Public Relations Department. He follows Diana Flutur for this position, who had been working for D’Arcy for 11 years.

Born in 1973 in Brasov, Liviu Lambrino graduated the International Economic Relations College and has an 8 year experience in the advertising sector. He started as a journalist at the Radio Brasov station and stepped into the world of advertising in 1995, at the Saatchi&Saatchi agency. In 1999, Liviu Lambrino joined the D’Arcy Media Department, chronologically functioning as Media Buying Manager and Media Department Director. Since 2001, Liviu Lambrino has also functioned as a Business Director.

In 2003, the D’Arcy Advertising Company brought a Great Award in an international advertising festival, Golden Drum for the first time in Romania. Among the recent customers of the D’Arcy Company are Rompetrol, Carpatcement, Caroli, as well as the traditional clients. D’Arcy is now developping the new Connex and Coca Cola brands.

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