
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 26.07.2007 12:27:00

LAGARDERE-SALE / Lagardere pays over €four million for the Radio Deea frequencies

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / July 26, 2007 / The Lagardere media group pays over €4 million for the radio frequencies owned by the Radio Deea network, according to the EDI Romania President, Ilie Nastase, quoted by Business Standard.

The transaction, which has been signed by the vicepresident of the group, Cristina Zegheru, includes 22 terrestrial licences owned by Radio Deea. The Deea network is owned by the businessman Mihai Iancu.

In order to be finalised, the sale is subject of approval by the National Audiovisual Council and the Competition authorities.

The sale comes four months after SBS Broadcasting, Lagaredere’s main competitor in Romania, aquired the Mix FM network. SBS thus became the media group with the most frequencies in Romania.

Lagardere, which operates in Romania the radio stations Europa FM and Radio 21, is one of the two large operators on the Romanian radio market, together with SBS Bradcasting (which operates Kiss FM, Magic FM, Prima TV and Kiss TV).

According to a research published by the media agency Initiative, Radio 21 owns a marketshare of 10.1% of the radio market, in the urban area. Also, Radio 21 is a market leader in Bucharest.

Radio Deea used to be a niche radio channel, specialised in house, underground and electro music. (AC)

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