
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 28.11.2008 13:51:53

Wayne Dunsford: Jim Jam is not a baby-sitting service provider, but we want it to help at the social development of the children that watch it

The General Manager of the children TV station Jim Jam, Wayne Dunsford, answered a couple of questions for Media Expres, during the Broadband TV Cable Conference, which took place between 18 and 19 November 2008, in Bucharest.
The former BBC International TV employee, Wayne Dunsford, studied politics and foreign affairs at the Lancaster University in Great Britain, he is specialized in marketing, and, before getting into the TV business, he worked for charity organizations in fund raising.

Rep: Is this your first time in Romania?
W.D.: No, I’ve been here two times before, I used to work at the BBC and I launched BBC Prime in Bucharest a couple of years ago.

Rep: What do you think of the evolution of the Romanian market this year?
W.D.: I think that for a new channel like Jim Jam, it’s a challenging market, because there’s a lot of changes going on and a lot of competition. Which is good for us. It’s certainly not a market that is standing still. There are more players coming to this market and we hope that there will be greater opportunities for channels like Jim Jam to enter the market. Obviously, the market is dominated by a few dominant distribution players, and it’s important that we work with them.

Rep: What is Jim Jam’s positioning on the children TV market?
W.D.: Jim Jam is targeted at pre-school children, so its main audience should be made up of kids aged 1 to 6 years old. Most of the shows come from our provider, Hit Entertainment, which is the biggest producer on the Britain market for this type of programs. This combination of programming is easy to recognize by children. Also, the other shows we buy make our TV station unique: they convey the idea of quality and trust for kids, but also for their parents. The TV station is dubbed in Romanian.

Rep: A couple of technical details?
W.D.: It’s a 24-hour channel, 100% localized in Romania, it broadcasts on the Telstar 12 satellite. We celebrated one year since the launch a couple of days ago, we have 10 million subscribers in Europe and only a few hundred thousand in Romania.

Rep: What is your main obstacle, the price you ask for or the big number of TV stations on the market?
W.D.: It’s not the price, because we are being very realistic and we set a proper price for the Romanian market. Of course, the number of TV stations on this market is the main problem. We realize that we launched a kids channel very late here, and that there are plenty of other stations that target the same audience here. However, we believe that the success Jim Jam has had on other markets shows there’s still space for us. All we have to do now is convince the cable companies of this fact. (AC)
(Interview by Mihai Pavelescu)

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