P. 9
A multitude of factors need to be considered when creating the absolute
best edge QAM device in the market: redundancy features, reliability,
flexibility, scalability and modularity, and the ability to adapt to the
future Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) demands. However, when it
comes to edge QAM technology, talk is cheap. Anyone can provide spec
sheets, performance charts, and feature lists – but to deliver on these
promises, it takes decades of experience and a deep understanding of
the underlying technology combined with 24/7 access to the best
technical engineers for assistance and support.
Big technological transitions are challenging minimum, and issues are immediately solved
and choosing the correct cable network should any arise.
solution can have implications over a decade
down the line. In many cases the initial hard- We understand that even short service inter-
ware investment costs are only a fraction of ruptions are a serious matter, so instead of
the life cycle costs, so upgrade decisions having a call centre or a support-ticket-based
should be taken seriously with long term cost customer service, we provide direct support
savings in mind. with 24/7 end-user access. rough this, our
customers are put in contact directly with our
Many cable operators have had their broad- best technical engineers, who will work
cast television headends running for over a together to find a solution to any problem.
decade, with existing edge QAM platforms
now reaching end-of-life. Operators are now Our engineers know the hardware down to
looking for upgrade paths that are ready for the metal, and the software down to the
an eventual DAA rollout, and at the same time code, and can provide deep knowledge-based
capable of delivering uninterrupted legacy problem solving to any situation. In addition,
QAM video services. frequent software updates and improve-
ments ensure that our edge QAM products
Especially with large networks, reducing improve throughout their life-cycle.
maintenance and operational costs is also
a key deciding factor, combined with environ- Our edge QAMs are designed from the ground
mental and sustainability considerations. e up to be ultra-dense, which enables operators
sustainability means meeting our own needs to freely scale up their video services when
without compromising the ability of future needed. e ultra-dense approach is not
generations to meet their own needs. us, compromising redundancy features as the
in our thinking, the sustainability requires biggest cable MSOs don’t compromise their
future proof technical features as well. carrier-class broadcast services.
Expertise as an extension e edge QAMs are also optimized for mini-
mum input for maximum output, meaning that
of the hardware
they will only use the exact amount of power
needed at any given time. is can consider-
e devices themselves are only one element ably reduce power consumption and can
of the product promise. Combining proven decrease heat output in already jam-packed
reliability and features, serviceability, and server rooms.
immediate access to support ensures that
interruptions are kept to the absolute