
Tv -- Data și ora publicării: 07.05.2014 17:18:22

PRO TV- INCOME-GROWTH / CME Romanian Operations Net Income On Rise

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 7, 2014 / U.S. company CME that operates televisions în the Pro TV group în Romania obtained in the first quarter a rise of the net income up to $7.6 million dollars over the same period of 2013.

Another financial parameter - OIBDA (income after taxes and amortization) - increased by nearly $5 million, from $959,000 dollars in 2013 to $5,4 million in 2014.

Company 's net income in the first quarter 2014 were $153,1 million ($132.7 million in the same period in 2013). Company continued to Record cumulative net losses in all markets in which it operates but reduced their size more than half to $(48,6) million versus $(109) million in 2013.

The company put the results on the rise in advertising revenues and subscriber fees on cable and satellite distribution. Also, the company increased television audience in the main markets in which it operates.

CME is a company operating in six countries in Central and Eastern Europe, with a population of 50 million. CME owns or operates 35 television stations in Bulgaria (bTV, bTV Cinema, bTV Comedy, bTV Action, bTV Lady, bTV Lady 1, Ring.bg and Ring.bg 1), Croatia (Nova TV, Doma, and Nova World MiniTV), Czech Republic (TV Nova, Nova Cinema, Nova Sport, Fanda, Smichov and Telki), Romania (PRO TV, PRO TV International, Home, Home Gold, PRO Cinema, Sport.ro, MTV Romania and PRO TV Chisinau and Home in Moldova), Slovakia (TV Markiz, and Dajto Doma) and Slovenia (POP TV, Kanal A, Brio, Oto and Kino) . CME is a company listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market and the Prague Stock Exchange under the symbol "CETV".

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