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Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 20.06.2013 15:59:51

DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL-GO AHEAD-COMMENT / The Government favors state-owned Radiocom in the analogue switchover process

by Mihai Pavelescu / Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / June 20, 2013 / The Government grants one of the five planned digital terrestrial multiplexes without tender to Radiocom, the state company involved in terrestrial carrying the public television signals, way before a selection for the muxes operators to be organized by ANCOM, selection with the deadline of June 17, 2015, according to a Strategy to shift from analogue terrestrial to digital terrestrial that pushes ahead the until now stopped process, made ​public Thursday, June 20, by the press office of the Ministry of Communications. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 24.03.2009 22:17:54

PRESS-FREEDOM-PROTEST / Government tries to rush through civil and criminal codes reform curtailing right to information

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 24 mar 2009 / Reporters Without Borders and its partner organisation, the Media Monitoring Agency, condemn the restrictions on the right to information contained in a proposed reform of the criminal and civil codes which the government agreed on the 25th of February to submit to parliament on 11 March. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 24.03.2009 13:59:33

ELECTIONS-ADVERTISING / The National Audiovisual Council changes regulations in the elections campaign

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 22, 2009 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) plans to change regulations for the election campaigns right before the European Parliamentary elections and the elections for the Romanian President. Among the main changes are extending the length of the paid clips and not including them in the maximum 12 minutes of advertising per hour permitted to the private TV stations. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 06.03.2009 15:25:21

DIGITALIZATION-STRATEGY / TVR 1, TVR 2, Antena 1, Prima TV, Realitatea TV, Pro TV and National TV, the first channels to go digital in Romania

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 4, 2009 / Officials of the Romanian Ministry for Communications, of the Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA), the Audiovisual Communications Regulatory Body (ANC) and some of the main broadcasters in Romania finalized the Strategy regarding the transition from the analogue terrestrial television to the digital terrestrial television. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 15.10.2008 17:44:55

INTERNET-MUSIC-COPYRIGHT / ARONSA accuses UCMR-ADA of trying to bankrupt the music blogs and websites

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 15, 2008 / ARONSA (The Association of Telecom Content Providers) warns the online industry in Romania that the organizations that collect money for the copyrighted music have exaggerate requests regarding the music that is broadcast on the Internet. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 19.04.2008 15:59:56

COPYRIGHT-TV-CHANGE / The TV sector won a battle with the copyright institutions

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 18, 2008 / The Romanian TV stations recently won a court battle with the copyright institutions, after a law was passed, establishing that the 3 percent TV stations must pay for the music copyright will be paid depending on the amount of music each station broadcasts. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 10.03.2008 12:19:16

DIGITALISATION-LAW / The CNA will establish the criteria for passing on to the digital TV

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 26, 2008 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) will only maintain the analogical TV licences into function until the deadline for switching to the digital transmission, which is set between 2012 and 2015, according to the project which will modify the Audiovisual Law. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 02.03.2008 01:42:50

MUST CARRY-MODIFICAION / The National Audiovisual Council introduced the audience criteria for must carry

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 26, 2008 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) introduced the decreasing audience criteria for establishing the TV stations that are compulsory for the cable companies in the package commonly known as "must carry". [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 26.11.2007 22:15:42

TV-COPYRIGHT-MUSIC / The Romanian TV stations to pay less for copyright

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 26, 2007 / The Romanian Communications Association (ARCA) as well as the Romanian TV stations Pro TV, Antena 1, Prima TV and the public television TVR won, in November, a trial against an decision settled by arbitration, which established a 9% copyright for the Musicians and Composers’ Union (UCMR-ADA). Following the trial, the Court established a cutback to 3%. [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 01.06.2007 08:08:00

LAW-CABLE / Romanian cable operators want to change the must-carry rules

Poiana Brasov (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 31, 2007 / The Romanian Broadband Cable Association (ACC) opposes the introduction of the new provisions in the Audiovisual Law, regarding the increase of the number of compulsory TV channels, st [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 13.04.2007 06:14:00

CINEMATOGRAPHY LAW-MODIFICATIONS / The Public Romanian Television, forced to broadcast free commercial for the Romanian movies

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 12, 2007 / The Commission for Culture in the Romanian Parliament decided that the Romanian movies financed by the National Cinematography Center (CNC) should be promoted by the public TV and radio [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 02.03.2007 01:09:00

LAW-MODIFICATION-AUDIOVISUAL / Romanian Audiovisual Law, modified

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 28, 2007 / The Commision for Culture at the Romanian Parliament’s House of Deputies agreed to modify the Audiovisual Law, following a series of debates which were also attended by members [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 25.02.2007 06:28:00

AUDIOVISUAL-CODE-CHANGES / Romanian audiovisual rules change

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 21, 2007 / The Romanian public TV stations will no longer be allowed to broadcast advertising miniclips during the football games, as private stations can, according to the changes that the Roma [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 10.11.2006 05:01:00

CABLE- OVERNEMENT / The cable operators will pay more for copyright

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 10, 2006 / The Romanian Ministry for Culture and Religion announced that the Romanian Copyright Law will be modified this November, changing the present rules regarding the payments made by the [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 10.07.2006 00:45:00

CNA-LAW-MODIFICATION / Romanian audiovisual regulatory body asked for the audiovisual law to be modified

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / July 7, 2006 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) decided to ask the Romanian Parliament to take into consideration a series of proposals to modify the audiovisual law no 504/2002. Th [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 19.05.2006 00:28:00

ADVERTISING-RULE / The miniads might be eliminated from the Romanian public TV stations’ programs

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 17, 2006 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) last week discussed a possible change of the reglementation code regarding the audiovisual content of the public TV stations, which may not [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 17.04.2006 10:22:00

COPYRIGHT-FEE / The members of the Deputy Chamber’s Culture Committee canceled the limit for the copyright fee

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 17, 2006 / The members of the Deputy Chamber’s Culture Committee adopted, on Tuesday, the disputed article in the copyright law that settles the types of payment and the methodology for the p [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 10.04.2006 13:28:00

PUBLIC BROADCASTING-LAW / The Romanian public TV and radio services will have a new law

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 10, 2006 / The Deputies in the Romanian Parliament approved, on April 3, the changes made by the Culture Commission to the law that regulates the Romanian public television and radio services. < [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 27.03.2006 06:01:00

AUDIOVISUAL-CODE / Romania has an audiovisual regulating Code

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 27, 2006 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) issued an audiovisual regulating Code that focuses on the protection of minors and freedom of expression. The Code, which has becom [...]
Capitol: Legislation; Data și ora publicării: 10.08.2005 00:10:00

TV-CABLE-CINEMATOGRAPHY-CONFLICT / The NAC: „The cable operators should be no longer be obliged to pay for the cinematography“

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / August 9, 2005/ The National Council of the Audiovisual protests against a Government Ordinance to modify the Cinematography\'s Law, according to which a percent of 3% from the total clear profits, earn [...]

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