
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 24.03.2009 13:59:33

ELECTIONS-ADVERTISING / The National Audiovisual Council changes regulations in the elections campaign

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 22, 2009 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) plans to change regulations for the election campaigns right before the European Parliamentary elections and the elections for the Romanian President. Among the main changes are extending the length of the paid clips and not including them in the maximum 12 minutes of advertising per hour permitted to the private TV stations.

"There are two changes we want to apply to the political advertising clips. We want to extend the clips from 30 seconds to 1 minute. This way, the payment method shall be simpler than before. Also, because these clips are not considered commercial communication, there is no reason for them to be included in the 12 minutes limit. We’ll allow political advertising clips in the electoral shows for six minutes per hour," said Rasvan Popescu, President of the CNA.

The promotional programs expressing political views will also remain paid content, just as before, as shown in the legislation: private broadcasters may broadcast paid content only when this includes political promotional audiovisual productions where the broadcaster did not contribute in any way editorial-wise. (AC)


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