
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 10.07.2006 00:45:00

CNA-LAW-MODIFICATION / Romanian audiovisual regulatory body asked for the audiovisual law to be modified

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / July 7, 2006 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) decided to ask the Romanian Parliament to take into consideration a series of proposals to modify the audiovisual law no 504/2002.

The CNA proposals include the introduction of a new section in the law, which is due to regulate the audiovisual election campaign, which is presently included in the electoral law and is changed every four years.

The political commercials can now be broadcast only in certain circumstances, in separate packages from the commercial advertising.

The changes that the CNA is thinking of making to the law also regard the legal regime of the audiovisual property. Thus, according to the modifications proposed by the CNA, each radio or TV company could operate two radio licences, two TV licences, one T-DAB licence and one DVB-T licence, as well as two licences in the same geographical area. The niche and satellite channels are excepted from the rule.

Ralu Filip, president of the CNA, explained this by the fact that „the niches are encouraged in Europe”.

Also, a company can own up to 40% shares in a radio or TV channel, if it is already the major shareholder of another. The figure in the present audiovisual law is set at 20%.

Also, the CNA thought of enlarging the fees that can be imposed over the broadcasters

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