
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 10.08.2005 00:10:00

TV-CABLE-CINEMATOGRAPHY-CONFLICT / The NAC: „The cable operators should be no longer be obliged to pay for the cinematography“

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / August 9, 2005/ The National Council of the Audiovisual protests against a Government Ordinance to modify the Cinematography's Law, according to which a percent of 3% from the total clear profits, earned from the radio and of the television stations' advertising space, should be allocated to the feature films production, according to a press note released at the end of the previous week.

“The NAC admits the necessity of development of the cinematographic industry, but not in the disfavor of the public, nore in the private Romanian broadcasters' one. The 3% which they will have to pay, will mean for them 3% less clear profits, earned from advertising, at which there are to be added the expenses for the copyrights, neighboring rights and other judicial obligations, which the stations still have to pay”, Ralu Filip stated, during the conference from August 4th 2005.

The NAC considers that this event will alter the TV programs quality, and implicitly, it will afflict the public, and that these money might be better used by the State and by the private television stations, as well, in making feature films.

The NAC considers, also, as being incorrect to take the decision of obligating the cable companies to allocate 1% of the clear profits for the making of feature films, having in the strength of the situation where they are tax payers of copyrights and of neighboring rights.

The NAC suggests in this way, that a percentage ammount of 10% to 15%, of the clear profits earned of copyrighting and of neighboring rights to be allocated to the National Council of Cinematography, for financing the feature film productions. (M.S.C.)

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