
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 06.03.2009 15:25:21

DIGITALIZATION-STRATEGY / TVR 1, TVR 2, Antena 1, Prima TV, Realitatea TV, Pro TV and National TV, the first channels to go digital in Romania

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 4, 2009 / Officials of the Romanian Ministry for Communications, of the Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA), the Audiovisual Communications Regulatory Body (ANC) and some of the main broadcasters in Romania finalized the Strategy regarding the transition from the analogue terrestrial television to the digital terrestrial television.

According to the document, by August 1st, the authorities will give the above mentioned channels two digital terrestrial frequencies for the transmission of up to 14 digital channels. The first digital channels will be public stations TVR 1 and TVR 2, and private channels ANTENA 1, PRIMA TV, REALITATEA TV, PRO TV and NATIONAL TV.

The other seven channels that will broadcast digitally will be chosen by the CNA. The choices will be made according to the content of the channels and their diversity.

The operators that will implement this digital transmission system will be excused from the payment of the license fees for the two frequencies.

The investment needed for the implementation of the network nationwide reaches E12 million, which should cover 90% of the market by 2012.

The reception of the 14 digital channels will be free of charge.

The transition process will be finalized by January 2012. After that, the authorities will issue four other national digital frequencies which will allow the digital broadcast of another 28 channels. (AC)

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