
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 15.10.2008 17:44:55

INTERNET-MUSIC-COPYRIGHT / ARONSA accuses UCMR-ADA of trying to bankrupt the music blogs and websites

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 15, 2008 / ARONSA (The Association of Telecom Content Providers) warns the online industry in Romania that the organizations that collect money for the copyrighted music have exaggerate requests regarding the music that is broadcast on the Internet.

The methodologies that these organizations - UCMR-ADA, UPFR and CREDIDAM – and the users’ officials try to establish should start being implemented on October 29 and November 14, and they should mean “changing the future of the musical online content”, ARONSA claims.

“The methodologies regarding the public communication of the musical pieces over the Internet will have devastating effects for the site and blog owners, if they are adopted in the form suggested by the organizations that collect money from the copyrighted music”, is also stated in the ARONSA statement.

For any website or blog which was recently launched, which contains music and which intends to promote commercial products or services in any way, the owner will have to pay a fee of 1000 lei (€265) per month for copyright. (AC)

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