
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 10.04.2006 13:28:00

PUBLIC BROADCASTING-LAW / The Romanian public TV and radio services will have a new law

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 10, 2006 / The Deputies in the Romanian Parliament approved, on April 3, the changes made by the Culture Commission to the law that regulates the Romanian public television and radio services.

The Parliament introduced one amendment to the version adopted by the Commission, forcing the public radio and TV channels to include minimum 10% independent productions in the programme schedules, to comply with the Television without Borders Directive.

According to the conclusions issued by Ioan Onisei, secretary of state inside the Ministry for Culture, the positive parts of the new law are connected to the introduction of the competency criteria for election the members of the Administrative Councils (CA), as well as to other changes such as: the General Manager will be chosen according to a management project, the separation of the two functions of General Manager and President of the institution, and the insertion of people from the NGO sector inside the Administrative Councils.

Moreover, the Parliament will no longer be able to dismiss the Administrative Councils if it rejects the institutions’ activity reports.

However, this law project has not been spared of criticism. Among the negative aspects of the new law was the fact that the radio and TV tax will be managed by the Government, issue seen as a possible political intervention tool.

The public radio broadcaster SRR collected in 2005 around LEI15 millions / month (EURO1 = Lei3,5). The monthly fee is Lei2,5 for individuals and Lei8,8 for companies.

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