
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 10.03.2008 12:19:16

DIGITALISATION-LAW / The CNA will establish the criteria for passing on to the digital TV

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 26, 2008 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) will only maintain the analogical TV licences into function until the deadline for switching to the digital transmission, which is set between 2012 and 2015, according to the project which will modify the Audiovisual Law.

Radu Teodorel, a member of the CNA, explained that, for example, in Bucharest, once with the digitalization, there will be 14 multiplexes with 12 TV channels each, which would sum up to 168 TV stations.

The law will automatically convert to the terrestial digital signal all the TV stations that will be declared national televisions. “The CNA should especially protect the local TV stations, during this passageto the digital transmission method”, Radu Teodorel said.

Until the deadline for the switch off, CNA will announce which TV stations will go digital and which won’t. B1 TV and other TV stations that have national coverage by cable, but don’t have the same terrestrial coverage, might be or might not be included in the transfer to the terrestrial digital transmission. The national TV stations will be the ones with a cable or terrestrial coverage of at least 70% of the country, some other members of the CNA said.

According to the CNA, at present, there are about 75 TV satellite licences, out of which 30 have nationawide coverage, through cable. (AC)

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