
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 02.03.2008 01:42:50

MUST CARRY-MODIFICAION / The National Audiovisual Council introduced the audience criteria for must carry

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 26, 2008 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) introduced the decreasing audience criteria for establishing the TV stations that are compulsory for the cable companies in the package commonly known as "must carry".

The “must carry” concept includes 25% of the total number of channels distributed by a cable company. In order to apply to the “must carry” concept, channels must be free to air and without technical or financial conditionings.

The debates that took place at the National Audiovisual Council concerning the “must carry” legislation also stated that neither the public TV stations nor the foreign channels are included in the “must carry” percentage.

The 'New Romanian Audiovisual Law' supposed to include the new European Directive of the Audiovisual Communications and it is expected to enter into force at the end of this year.(AC)

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