
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 26.11.2007 22:15:42

TV-COPYRIGHT-MUSIC / The Romanian TV stations to pay less for copyright

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 26, 2007 / The Romanian Communications Association (ARCA) as well as the Romanian TV stations Pro TV, Antena 1, Prima TV and the public television TVR won, in November, a trial against an decision settled by arbitration, which established a 9% copyright for the Musicians and Composers’ Union (UCMR-ADA). Following the trial, the Court established a cutback to 3%.

The initial decision was taken to trial on April 12, 2007, and it also establishes that the copyright payments for the broadcast music should be made according to the number of broadcasts. A musical channel, such as MTV would thus pay, in the new circumstances, 3% for copyright, while a TV station which broadcasts less music, a diminished percent.

The Court also established that the copyright law also applies to the music in commercials.

The diminished percent does not apply, however, to the radio stations, where the amounts of money the small stations have to pay for copyright are prohibitive. (AC)

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