
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 02.03.2007 01:09:00

LAW-MODIFICATION-AUDIOVISUAL / Romanian Audiovisual Law, modified

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 28, 2007 / The Commision for Culture at the Romanian Parliament’s House of Deputies agreed to modify the Audiovisual Law, following a series of debates which were also attended by members of the Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) and officials of the Romanian private radio and TV stations association, ARCA.

One of the most important changes in the law refers to the audiovisual electoral campaign, which will be reglemented, from now on, by the CNA.

Also, the deputies decided to increase the fines that the CNA applies to the radio and TV stations that don’t obey the law. The fines grew up to almost €30,000.

Also, the public TV and radio stations will be allowed to broadcast advertising inside the sports or cultural live transmissions, whereas at present, they are only allowed to broadcast advertising between shows. The new law also allows the CNA members’ mandates to be prolonged with a maximum three month period.

Also, the deputies decided to allow phisical persons to own radio and TV licences, whereas until now, only companies could.

Another change in the law refers to the radio and TV operators, who will be able to own as many niche TV and radio channels they want (today, the number is limitted to two).

The modifications brought to the law should be also voted by the members of the Senate, in order to be implemented. (AC)

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