
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 19.05.2006 00:28:00

ADVERTISING-RULE / The miniads might be eliminated from the Romanian public TV stations’ programs

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 17, 2006 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) last week discussed a possible change of the reglementation code regarding the audiovisual content of the public TV stations, which may not be allowed, for the future, to broadcast short ad clips inside the programmes.

The CNA had decided some time ago to let the TV stations broadcast two special ad clips during the prime time shows. These clips, which they called miniclips, are special because they can be broadcast without the normal advertising covers, thus ensuring a greater audience. However, the CNA discovered that the Audiovisual Law does not allow the public TV stations to broadcast advertising inside TV shows, but only between them.

According to Ralu Filip, the CNA president, the reglementation code issued by the CNA must be revised, because it breaks the Audiovisual Law.

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