
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 13.04.2007 06:14:00

CINEMATOGRAPHY LAW-MODIFICATIONS / The Public Romanian Television, forced to broadcast free commercial for the Romanian movies

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 12, 2007 / The Commission for Culture in the Romanian Parliament decided that the Romanian movies financed by the National Cinematography Center (CNC) should be promoted by the public TV and radio services, without being submitted to the general regulations regarding the commerical advertising.

Thus, the public radio and TV stations are forced to insert advertising clips for the movies financed by the CNC in their programmes, in the prime-time intervals.

Also, the Commission established that the advertising agencies who close advertising deals with the TV stations can chose to directly finance the TV movie production – documentaries and/or fiction movies – with up to 1% of the advertising value, at the request of the TV stations. Also, for the direct financing of the cinema movie production, they can contribute with up to 1.5% of the advertising value, at the request of the producers.

The money (both from the 1% and the 1.5%) is collected out of the 4% contribution the private and public TV stations owe to the cinematography fund.

The legislative project will modify the Cinematography Law, given it is voted by the Parliament. (AC)

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