
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 01.06.2007 08:08:00

LAW-CABLE / Romanian cable operators want to change the must-carry rules

Poiana Brasov (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 31, 2007 / The Romanian Broadband Cable Association (ACC) opposes the introduction of the new provisions in the Audiovisual Law, regarding the increase of the number of compulsory TV channels, stated ACC President, Radu Petric, during a meeting last week.

Radu Petric said that, first of all, the modification of the law supports the Parliament’s intention to introduce TV5 as a compulsory TV station for the cable and DTH operators.

However, he said it’s not likely that, in case the provision become law, the other public channels in Europe won’t try to get compulsory distribution for them as well, as Romania has one of the most competitive TV markets in the region.

The Romanian Parliament is discussing the modification of the Audiovisual Law, and among the new provisions is that which forces cable and DTH operators to broadcast the public TV channels which have agreements with Romania. For now, only TV5 is in this situation. (AC)

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