
Company news -- Data și ora publicării: 16.06.2015 16:49:01

ESA-INTELSAT-NEWTEC-AGREEMENT / ESA, Intelsat And Newtec Partnership

Paris - France (MEDIA EXPRES) / 16 iun 2015 / The European Space Agency (ESA), global satellite operator Intelsat, and the Belgian company Newtec signed an agreement for The Indigo project to develop new ground segment innovations that maximize the new capabilities offered by the latest Intelsat EpicNG satellites.

ESA will support European industry and project industrial partner Newtec of Belgium, to further improve their Newtec Dialog modems, hubs and network management system to exploit the capabilities offered by the latest multibeam, multiband telecom satellites.

Intelsat has chosen the Newtec Dialog platform from Europe to deliver numerous services on the Intelsat EpicNG satellite platform and IntelsatOne terrestrial network.

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