
Company news -- Data și ora publicării: 08.09.2015 08:11:25

IBC NEWS-OPTICAL FIBER / LYNX Technik Launches New yellobrik 4K Transmission Solution with Expandability to 8K

Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) /September 8, 2015 / The german company Technik AG, provider of modular interfaces, is expanding its yellobrik 4K fiber transmission solutions with the addition of a second set of 4K modules. The new yellobrik 4K fiber transport solution will be shown at IBC 2015, Hall 8, stand C70.

When both sets of 4K transmission models are combined, they support 8K fiber transport over a single fiber link.

The new yellobrik 4K fiber transmission solution (Model: OTR 1442) complements the existing yellobrik 4K fiber solution (Model: OTR 1441). The modules can be used individually for 4K applications or combined to support uncompressed 8K (24G) over a single fiber link.

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