
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 05.10.2015 01:02:44

MIPCOM 2015-FLOOD-STATEMENT / MIPCOM 2015 To Monday October 5th Despite Flooding

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 5, 2015 / The organizer of MIPCOM 2015, Reed MIDEM, has issued an official statement concerning the flooding in Cannes.

Reed MIDEM confirms that despite the flooding that occurred in Cannes Saturday night October 3rd, MIPCOM 2015 will open for business on time on Monday October 5th.

The Pre- Opening TV Screening of "The Art of More" presented by Sony Pictures Television will take place this evening Sunday October 4th as scheduled in the Palais des Festivals Grand Auditorium at 6pm.

Flood damage in the Martinez Hotel has led to the suspension of the MIPJunior screenings which are now available online.

Sunday's MIPJunior conferences have been transferred to the Palais des Festivals Esterel Auditorium

"The whole MIP team, the Palais staff and our Cannes partners are working non-stop to limit the disruption caused by this exceptional situation" says Laurine Garaude Director of Reed MIDEM's TV Division.

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