
Communications -- Data și ora publicării: 25.01.2016 12:49:13

TELENOR-NAME-CHANGE / Telenor Satellite Broadcasting New Name Is Telenor Satellite

Bucharest (Romania) and Oslo (Norway) / January 25, 2016 / Telenor Satellite Broadcasting (TSBc) announced today that it is changing its name to Telenor Satellite as to reflect the company’s increasingly broad satellite-communications portfolio, which significantly expanded in the maritime and energy sectors and now provide more data-communications services.

Telenor Satellite has continued to grow as a key European satellite operator, providing communication services for customers in the broadcast, maritime, and oil and gas markets.

Telenor investment in new satellites – most notably the latest satellite THOR 7, which launched in 2015 – has provided the additional growth capacity needed to expand the company overall business and to extend its services capability within the mobility VSAT market. The new name reflects the changing balance of the business.

“Telenor Satellite has undoubtedly established itself as a key provider of satellite services throughout Europe and the Middle East, with an increasing international focus and a broader customer base” said Morten Tengs, CEO of Telenor Satellite. “Following the launch of THOR 7, the new name is well-timed as it allows us to develop our wide-ranging satellite-communication services and look forward to further extending our position in the market and expanding our regional coverage.”

The new name comes into effect immediately and will be implemented across the company’s products and services and communications throughout 2016.

Telenor Satellite is a major European satellite provider of broadcast and broadband services for customers in the media, maritime, and oil and gas sectors. Utilising a hybrid network that comprises our satellite fleet, teleports and a terrestrial fibre network, Telenor Satellite delivers turnkey broadcasting solutions, end-user connectivity and application services via satellite throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa. From the distribution of digital TV and radio content to millions of European homes to the provision of reliable communications in remote locations on land and at sea, we are committed to keeping our customers connected via satellite. The company’s website is www.telenorsat.com

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