
Tv -- Data și ora publicării: 29.07.2016 13:43:20

PARAMOUNT-ROMANIAN FEED-RESULTS / Romanian TV Viewers Welcome The Renewed Paramount Channel

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / July 29, 2016 / The audience across Romania have reacted apparently quite quickly and positively to the renewal of Paramount Channel, introduced since the 1st of June, according a Viacom release.

Viacom has launched separate broadcast feeds for its Paramount Channel’s Hungarian and Romanian territorial versions recently, in an effort to create opportunity for more flexible scheduling of the program to better meet the local audience’s needs and preferences.

One of the key benefits of the individual scheduling is a more compelling use of the prime time period. The most popular recent classic movies may now start earlier in the evening, at 20:30 instead of 22:00 previously.

This change in the grid also makes room for the viewers to watch another movie hit entirely still before midnight. Combined with a more specifically tailored selection of programs, this improvement has contributed to a substantial and continuously increasing performance gain of the tv channel since then.

Much appreciated by the viewers, the new program structure helped to grow Paramount Channel’s audience share by as much as 89% in the primetime period (SHR%, 18-49 age, urban, 19:00-23:00) and by 62% in the whole day (SHR%, commercial daypart, 06:00-26:00, 18-49 urban) in less then two months, compared to the preceding ten-month average.

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