
Tv -- Data și ora publicării: 30.11.2016 14:04:19

VIACOM-MANAGER-CHANGE / Gabriella Aradi is the new Affiliate Marketing Manager of Viacom

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 28, 2016 / Gabriella Aradi is the new Affiliate Marketing Manager of Viacom in Central and Eastern Europe, including Romania, 14 November, after Nora Szekely left the company earlier this month.

Gabriella Aradi graduated bachelor’s degree in business communication at Zsigmond Kiraly Főiskola in 2011 and has over nine years of experience in marketing. Most recently, he worked for three years at Viasat in Hungary (purchased by Sony Pictures Entertainment), he left in September 2016.

Viacom International Media Networks EEC is coordinating from Budapest and Warsaw the activity in 14 countries from the Central and Eastern Europe, for televisions such as MTV (with the exception of Romania where a license operated by Pro TV - CME), Paramount Comedy Central, Nickelodeon and VIVA .

Viacom television channels are distributed in Romania through the company Tematic Cable and sell advertising through the agency Thematic Channels.

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