
Company news -- Data și ora publicării: 24.08.2018 14:47:18

FRIEND MTS-IBC2018 / Friend MTS talks about video piracy threat in the pay TV industry at IBC2018

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 24 Aug 2018 / Friend MTS (Stand #1.A58 at IBC2018) a leading global provider of platform, channel and content protection services will will showcase at IBC 2018 its full suite of managed services that help pay TV operators, rights holders and broadcasters control where their video content flows, according a Platform Comms update.

From fingerprinting and watermarking to advanced subscriber identification, Friend MTS will demonstrate how it finds and takes down live and on-demand illicit streams across OTT and broadcast anywhere in the world in minutes.

Friend MTS will be hosting a press conference to share insights on the existential threat that video piracy poses to the pay TV industry and the latest innovations in content protection on Friday, September 14th, at 4:00 pm in room F004.

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