
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 21.09.2005 09:36:00

FILIP- TICAU- ALLEGATIONS / The National Audiovisual Council accuses the Ministry for Communications of breaking the law

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 20, 2005 / Ralu Filip, chairman of the National Audiovisual Council (NAC), accused the Ministry for Communications and Information Technology (MCTI) of giving the public TV channel a TV frequency that was meant to the private sector.

The frequency, which was part of the third Romanian national TV network, was given to the public service without an auction, which is against the law.

“You have taken a frequency out of the third national TV network, which does not belong to you, and you use it for the public service digitization. Radiocom (the telecommunications company that broadcasts the publice TV channels) cannot be a license holder. The MCTI has ignored the legal ground”, said Filip.

Radiocom (former Socieatea Nationala de Radiocomunicatii SA), the state company designed to carry terrestrial signal for the public broadcasters had reported a €70 million investment for the digitalisation of the radio and television broadcasters terrestrial diffusion.

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