
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 28.09.2005 20:46:00

FREQUENCIES-CRISIS-COMMISSION/ A joint professional commission will analyze the currently existing frequencies\' crisis

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / Sept. 28, 2005/ A joint commission, composed of broadcasting-frequency specialists and jurists, from the National Council of Audiovisual (CNA), from the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society (SRR), from the Ministry of Communications and Informational Technology (MCTI), from the General Inspectorate for Communications and Informational Technology (IGCTI) and from the National Broadcasting Society (SNR), will try to solve the frequencies' crisis and the legal ground for the licenses of the television and radio public operators, according to the conclusions of a public meeting which took place on September 28, at CNA's quarters.

The chairman of the National Council of Audiovisual (CNA), Ralu Filip, announced that he withdraws from the dispute over the number of existing licenses held by the public radio stations.

Filip argued that he is falsely accused of trying to dissolve the Musical Radio station as a legal institutional entity: “I quote Law articles, and you accuse me of trying to dissolve the Musical Radio station! I do not think that I can remain involved any longer in these sort of things”. He also designated Serban Pretor, member of the CNA, to handle this issue.

During the same public debates, the CNA members accused the SRR it has no legal ground for forty-four audiovisual frequencies, granted by the MCTI to endorse the currently it uses to broadcast.

Also, the SRR's and the the Public Television Society project for digitalization of the public television stations had been criticized by the CNA's members as being discriminatory, as it does not include the private television stations.

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