
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 16.12.2006 06:16:00

EU-PHARE-FUNDS / European Union to finance the Romanian audiovisual market

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / December 12, 2006 / The European Commission Delegation (EC Delegation) in Romania launched, on December 12, 2006, a 1.4 million euros Phare project called “Strengthening the audiovisual sector in Romania”.

The project, which is called „Pre-Media”, aims to promote the European diversity through wider circulation of EU audiovisual productions and to foster a viable Romanian national audiovisual industry.

The project includes two subsectors: one which will be implemented by the Romanian National Audiovisual Council, and one which will be implemented by the National Centre of Cinematography, with the technical support of an international team of experts, headed by Renate Roginas (former Secretary General of Eurimages).

The subsector that will be implemented by the Council of Cinematography has a 900,000 euros budget and will have to be ready in 15 to 18 months.

According to the EC Delegation in Romania, there are three main objectives of the 15-months Project: the development of Romanian audiovisual projects through a 300,000 euros grant scheme addressed to independent producers; the training of Romanian media professionals in organizational and project management, development, resources management, marketing, promotion and selling (worth 350,000 euros); and the increase of the circulation for the European non-national audiovisual works in Romania (250,000 euros).

Calls for proposals addressed to Romanian professionals will start to be published in January 2007 by the EU Delegation. (AC)

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