
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 19.03.2007 12:04:00

FINES-OTV-CLOSE / The National Audiovisual Council intends to force TV channel OTV to shut down

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 13, 2007 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council seems decided to shut down the TV channel OTV, asking the Romanian financial regulatory body to communicate whether the channel has paid his fines to the state budget so far.

According to the audiovisual law, if the fines the CNA gave to a TV station are not paid in six months, the Council can withdraw the broadcaster’s licence. Ralu Filip, president of the CNA, estimates that the fines the TV station has not yet paid sum up to over €29,727 (100,000 Romanian lei).

OTV is the most fined channel on the Romanian market, mainly due to infringements of common rules of minors’ protection, the accuracy of the news and illegal advertising. However, its management has the habit of taking all fines to justice, in order to get rid of them or just delay paying.

The channel had its licence removed by the CNA in 2002, but managed to take it back at the beginning of 2004. (AC)

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