
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 24.05.2007 07:18:00

RALU FILIP-DEATH / President of the Audiovisual Council, Ralu Filip, died

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 23, 2007 / The President of the Romanian National Audiovisual Council, Ralu Filip, died the night 23 to 24 of May, in a Bucharest hospital, after he suffered a sudden heart attack.

Filip, 47, who started to accuse stomach aches around 10.00 PM, eventually took off to the “Matei Bals” Hospital in Bucharest. He died an hour and a half later, in spite of the doctors’ repeated attempts to resuscitate him.

His place in the Audiovisual Council will be taken by the Vicepresident of the institution, Attila Gasparik, until the Parliament name a new president, at the proposal of the CNA members.

Ralu Filip was President of the CNA between 2002 and 2007. His mandate would have been completed in 2008. (AC)

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