
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 02.09.2003 14:46:00

CABLE-CONVENTION-UPDATE / The Broadband Convention will change time and place

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 2, 2003 / Following many attempts to set the date and place of this year’s Television Cable Convention, sources of the industry say that the date and place previously announced by MEDIA EXPRES are no longer valid.

MEDIA EXPRES had announced that the event would take place between November 26-27 at the Marriott Hotel.

However, also at this date, Zone Vision is engaged in a meeting on an international level. The company distributes over 20 channels in Romania, which would no longer be represented at the Convention in the respective week.

The Cable Association may publish the official announcement the following period.

Traditionally organised by the Cable Communication Association since 1996, this year’s Convention will unite over 250 officials of the cable television companies, the programme and equipment providers, as well as of the communications and audiovisual authorities.

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