
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 26.10.2003 19:05:00

CRP-DEBUT-PRESS / The Romanian Press Club will launch the Debut Awards for radio, television and written press

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 26, 2003 / Starting this year, the Romanian Press Club will give the Debut Awards for the three important sections of mass-media: press, radio and television.

There will be three nominees for each section, and there will be a single prize of $1,000. The nominees will be announced before the contest by a press release published by the Romanian Press Club.

All news reporters may sign in the contest if they have materials published or broadcast in one of the national or regional communication media between October 1 2002 and September 30, 2003.

Each author will sign in with 3 articles (for the written press) or with a production (audio-video), for each of the mentioned sections.

The limit date for the subscription in the contest is October 31, 2003, at 17,00 o’clock. The prizes will be awarded during the Romanian Press Club Awards Festivity, in December, 2003.

Further information may be found at the headqurters of the Romanian Press Club, tel: 021 6654116, 021 2234332, e-mail: crp@digi.ro.

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