
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 24.11.2003 11:45:00

ARCA-ADVERTISING-ARGUMENT / ARCA claims that the scroll , crawl and tv-ticker announcements should not be included in the counted as advertising

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 23, 2003 / ARCA argues that the scroll, crawl and tv-ticker announcements should not be included in the 12 or 8 minutes per day dedicated to the advertising programmes, according to a letter addressed to the President of the National Audiovisual Council, on November 14.

The Council asserted on November 6 that the broadcasting of the above mentioned announcements would be included in the maximum level of 8/ 12 minutes allowed by law to the advertising programmes.

ARCA argues this position by quoting articles from the Romanian Audiovisual Law and the European Directives.

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