
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 22.12.2003 01:04:00

COM-CNA-POLITICAL ADVERTISING / The Convention of the Media Organizations recommends that the political advertising should be separated from the commercial advertising

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / December 21, 2003 / The Convention of the Media Organizations, gathered at Piatra Neamt on the occasion of a conference on the “Rules for the audiovisual Election Campaign”, recommends the National Audiovisual Council to separate the political advertising from the commercial advertising.

Rasvan Popescu, member of the Audiovisual Council, mentioned that he supports the proposal. He argued that if the two types of advetising would not be clearly separated, the political candidates would share the same space with the soap or toothpaste commercials, which would create many problems to the candidates, including the fact that they would have to compete for the standars 12 minutes advertising per hour both with their oponents and with the commercial products that are already well known on the market. Also, the advertising costs will grow even more, although they are already too high for reported to the financial capacity of the small parties or the independent candidates.

On the other hand, in case the CNA would set different periods for the political advertising, the price will be set separately, and, according to the decisions of the CNA, it will be made public.

The conference on the “Rules for the audiovisual Election Campaign. The dialogue between the press and the political parties”, took place in Piatra Neamt, on December 19-21, 2003, at the initiative of the Academia Catavencu Press Monitoring Agency, the Centre for Independent Journalism, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the “Columna” Romanian-Swiss Foundation.

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