
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 07.09.2005 00:14:00

FRANCE–TV PROGRAMS–BALANCE SHEET / The French TV producers published the distribution financial figures for 2004

Saint Tropez (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 6, 2005 / The total French audiovisual program exports reached 244 million Euros in 2004, an increase of 3.7% for the sales, and of 24.5% for the pre-sales, as well as a serious drop of 12.6% for co-production, creating a stagnation for the yearly net revenues (with -0.7%, compared to 245.6 million Euros, net revenue in 2003), according to the “Audiovisual Program Export, 2004” report, released by the TVFI (Television France International) and the CNCF (Le Centre National de Cinematographie Francaise), on September 6, 2005, during the 2005 meeting, at St. Tropez, France.

Mathieu Bejot, executive manager at TVFI stated, during the opening meeting, that the growth is due to the tremendous success which the French animation and documentaries have known in Europe.

The TVFI program distribution in countries like Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia represents 9% of the total French audiovisual exports in Central Europe (1% more than the previous year, according to the TV French financial figures, in spite of the fact that the current economical context is quite strained).

The French officials at the debates have been reluctant in giving any other details regarding the figures for each country of the European continent, except for Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

Also, they have shown that the French exports of audiovisual content within the European continental space are increasing (89.9 million Euros gained in 2004, compared to only 69.3 millions gained in 2003).

The main sale growths have come from Western Europe (65.9 million Euros in 2004, compared to only 59.1 million Euros in 2003 - net revenues) in countries like Italy (14.4 million Euros in 2004), Germany (13 million Euros in 2004), Spain and Belgium. Even more, the Central and the Eastern Europe have known increases of French audiovisual content acquisition (Russia and the ISC gained 5 million Euros in 2004 in net revenues, compared to 1.7 in 2003).

The US saw an increase up to 16.9 million Euros in 2004, compared to only 15 million Euros in 2003, with Canada being the initiator of the increase process (11 million Euros in 2004, compared to only 8.9 million Euros in 2003).

As for Latin America, the Central and Southern territories have known a significant drop (they reached 2 million Euros in 2004, compared to 5.1 million Euros in 2003).

Also, the US- French Sci-Fi co-productions are no longer in fashion, as the financial figures for 2004 demonstrated it: 25.6 million Euros in net revenue in 2004, compared to an almost double net revenue (of 45.4 million Euros) in 2003.

The sales within the DVD and VHS segments have brought the French TV producers net revenues of about 15 million Euros in 2004.

The financial study was made by the CNCF, INA and TVFI.

TVFI is a non-profit organization of the TV French producers, with over 150 members.

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