
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 19.05.2006 00:24:00

ACC-BOARD-CHANGE / A new company joined the Romanian Broadband Association Board of Directors

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 19, 2006 / The Romanian Broadband Cable Association (ACC) has, starting May 5, a new member in the Board of Directors, next to UPC-Astral and RCS & RDS: Telemach, the cable operator which is owned by the ACC president, Radu Petric.

At the beginning of the month, the ACC also decided to change the internal legislation of the Association. Thus, the members of the Board of Directors will have one sigle vote, compared to the previous situation, when each member of the Board had a number of votes which was equal to the number of subscribers of the company he represented.

The modifications made have been needed after UPC last year aquired the Romanian cable company Astral Telecom, which was also in the Board of the ACC, next to UPC and RCS & RDS. The transaction had made the ACC be ruled by UPC, situation which could not last too long.

The ACC also decided that, from now on, the president of the Association should be chosen only out of the three members of the Board of Directors.

The president of the ACC is to be chosen in May.

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