
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 02.03.2007 01:08:00

ARMA-GFK-CONTRACT / Romanian TV Audience Measurement Association and GFK signed the contract for the measurement of the TV audiences

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 20, 2007 / The Romanian TV Audience Measurement Association (ARMA) and German research company GfK signed the contract for the National Service for TV Audience Measurement (SNMATV), în mid-February.

According to a press release, GfK Romania will provide the National Service for TV Audience Measurement (SNMATV) starting January 1st, 2008.

ARMA will hold property over the data provided by GfK. The institute will provide information on the TV stations’ audiences, as well as on the achievements of the TV shows and the TV commercials.

The contract is valid for the 2008-2011 interval, for a sample of 1,200 households (compared to 1,000 in present).

The calibration research will be made in 2007, on 13,200 households. The reseach will try to find solutions for some actual problems, such as the migration of the population, as well as TV consumption outside the household.

The equipment used includes two different types of devices: Telecontrol TC VIII (non-intrusive) and Telecontrol TC VIII Standard (intrusive).

Telecontrol Meters measures the analogue and digital TV audiences, as well as the VCR and PC audiences.

The value of the contract reaches to 7.9 million euros.

Gfk Romania is part of a research group which was established in Germany in 1935. the Romanian division was established in 1992, and it made 2.4 million euros in 2005. the Romanaian company is lead by Andi Dumitrescu, General Manager. (AC)

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