
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 07.11.2003 17:01:00

Dan Nica, the Communications Ministry: ´We suggest a 4 per cent level for the copyright fees´

REPORTER: How do you think that the three problems issued by the cable operators this fall will be solved, the first regarding the legal and phisical protection of the networks?

DAN NICA: Both the distruction of the infrastructure and the stealing of the signal can be sanctioned on the basis of the legal stipulations, so the ones that are guilty will be punished by law.

REP: What do you think about the copyright fees that are considered the highest in Europe?

DAN NICA: There is a project that is ongoing at this moment, and it will be subject to public debates on the site of the Ministry for Communications, www.mcti.ro. The project will modify the Law no. 8/ 1996 regarding the copyright regulations. It aims at bringing the Romanian reglementation as close as possible to the European practice, which includes the copyright fees. Our proposal was that the percentage shouldn't go upper than the 4 per cent level.

REP: What can you tell us regarding the transportation infrastructure and the Electrica pillars especially?

DAN NICA: We are analysing in this period, together with other public authorities, the possibility of a decrease regarding the transportation infrastructure rental fees, especially in order to ensure a larger access of the cable operators to this network. We are hoping that until November 15, 2003, we will have something implemented, namely the same fees for all the operators, no matter if they come from a rural or urban environment. Their level will be lower than the present one.

REP: What is your message for the participants to the Cable Convention 2003?

DAN NICA: We are very concerned with ensuring favourable conditions for the development of the cable communications sector, which can and has to play a leading part in ensuring the access to information and to the qualitative electronic communications services - part that can be the more important in the context of the existence of a completely free market after January 1, 2003.

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