
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 20.11.2007 00:06:10

LAZARESCU-VISENESCU-PROMOVARE / Cable Direct has two new Co-Managing Directors

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 5, 2007 / The Romanian media sales house Cable Direct has named two new Co-Managing Directors, Bogdan Lazarescu and Florin Visenescu, after the resignation of the former Managing Director, Vlad Tudosie.

The two new directors have a ten year experience in the industry and will lead a team made of 11 people, which will cover the advertising sales in television, cinema, magazines, newspapers and on the Internet.

The company has clients like the TV channels AXN and HBO, the cinema networks Movieplex and Glendale, the 7Plus newspaper etc.

Cable Direct was created in 1999 as a company specialized in advertising sales for the cable TV channels. However, it later widened its range of clients, including other media channels as well.

Florin Visenescu joined Cable Direct in 2001. he was followed, two years later, by Bogdan Lazarescu, who was, at that time, a Sales Director at MTV. (AC)

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