
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 20.11.2007 00:14:32

AUDIENCES-RADIO-AUCTION / IMAS and Mercury Reseach, reelected to measure the radio audiences untill 2011

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) /September 19, 2007 / The research institutes IMAS & Marketing si Sondaje and Mercury Reseach will measure the radio audiences in Romania between 2008 and 2011, according to a press release issued by the National Audiovisual Council (CNA).

IMAS and Mercury have also measured the radio audiences so far, but their mandate was due to expire at the end of 2007.

The two institutes have been reelected following an auction, at the middle of September, by a Commission which included five members of the CNA and ten members of the Radio Audiences Association (ARA).

The auction was attended by three competitors: IMAS – Marketing si Sondaje, Mercury Reseach and Metro Media Transilvania - INSOMAR.

According to the CNA, during the auction, ARA established a new methodology which will be used for the radio audience measurements from now on: thus, there will be three data reports every year, regarding the radio audiences, instead of two, and the field monitoring will be continuous throughout the year.

The three reports will be issued for the following periods: January - April, May - August and September - December. For the first period, the reports will be based on 10.000 interviews, and for the other two, on 8.000 interviews each.

Presently, ARA is formed of 31 members, as follows: 13 advertising agencies and 18 radio stations. (AC)

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