
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 20.11.2007 00:16:14

LOCAL RADIO-ASSOCIATION / The local radio stations have an association

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 13, 2007 / Officials of the radio station West City Radio from Timisoara (the former Radio Vest) created the Romanian Local Radios Association (ANPRLR), a non-governmental organisation which aims to unite the radio stations "that have remained truly local", according to information inside the Association.

The Association is to defend the interests of the local radio channels “in front of the national networks (which are present in almost every city in Romania), as well as in front of the organisations and institutions which regulate and control the audiovisual activity”.

According to the same sources, the absence of an independent organisation which defends the local stations, the central organisations and institutions often take decisions which visibly work against them, such as the copyright fees that the local stations must pay to CREDIDAM, UPFR and UCMR-ADA.

The Association also plans to create an “informal network” of local channels, which should be sold together to the advertising agencies in Romania, and thus open up to the national advertising clients.

The first meeting of the Association is due at the end of September, in Sibiu or Brasov. (AC)

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