
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 01.02.2008 23:26:53

JETIX-SPLENDID MEDIA / Kids channel Jetix to be sold by Splendid Media in Romania

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / January 31, 2008 / Splendid Thematics, the niche TV channel division of the advertising sales house Splendid Media, is to sell the advertising space for the kids TV channel Jetix, starting January 28, according to an announcement by Jetix Europe.

The new partnership, which includes on air and online advertising, replaces the two year old contract that Jetix had with Splendid competitor ARBOmedia.

As part of the ongoing strategy, Jetix plans to raise the investment made on the Romanian market, especially in what concerns the broadcast programmes.

Also, starting November 2007, Jetix introduced a new channel on the Romanian market, Jetix Play, which targets children aged 1 to 7 years old. The original Jetix channel targets children aged 6 to 14.

Jetix Europe is present in over 49,9 million households in 58 countries. The channel is available in 18 languages.

Splendid Media is a Romanian advertising sales house. Among its clients are TV channels TVR 1, TVR 2, TVR International, TVR Cultural, Etno TV, as well as newspapers, magazines and over 50 websites. (AC)

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