
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 10.03.2008 12:17:31

ANRCTI-PLANS / ANRCTI unveils plans for 2008

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / February 27, 2008 / The National Communications and IT Authority (ANRCTI) publishind its plans for 2008 on its website.

According to the published report, the institution is going to focus revising the relevant markets in the electronic communications sector and will have as main objectives promoting a competing environment, as well as the interests of the final users in the postal services and electronical communications sectors, promoting the use of the information technology and improving the dialogue with the industry and the final users.

The revision of the relevant markets is going to last until the end of 2008 and includes defining and analysing the relevant markets and establishing the needed regulatory measures.

Another project that ANRCTI is going to finalise this year consists of implementing a telephony service which will enable the user to keep his or her phone number even if the telephony provider is changed.

Also, ANRCTI will give, in 2008, a new mobile communications licence.

Aside from these plans, the Authority will continue implementing some already existing programs, such as the universal service and the subscriber information service. Also, the institution will continue its information campaigns.

The National Communications and IT Authority is an independent Romanian institution which activates in the field of the electronic and audiovisual communications, as well as the radio and electronic devices. (AC)

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