
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 07.04.2008 12:02:30

ACC-GENERAL ASSEMBLY / ACC reelected its management

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 3, 2008 / The Romanian Cable Communication Association (ACC) established to extend the mandate of its executive management team, which is formed of officials from the cable companies Telemach, UPC and RCS. The decision was taken during the 2008 General Assembly, which took place on April 3rd, at the Romanian seaside resort Mamaia.

During the assembly, the ACC also decided on the Association’s budget for 2008, and its objectifs.

Some of the ACC members requested a larger management council, of 5 members insted of 3, but the proposition was not approved. Also, the ACC decided on modifying the actual organisational status of the Association, which will be performed during a special assembly in the near future.

Radu Petric, President of the ACC, said that among the most important objectifs of the ACC in 2008 are negociating the copyright fees, imposing better circumstances for the acces to the infrastructure and stopping projects like NetCity from happening.

Before this year’s General Assembly, the ACC had 123 members, out of which 81 were present at the meeting in Mamaia. (AC)

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