
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 28.05.2008 16:00:15

TEODOREL-VICE-PRESIDENT / Radu Teodorel became Vice-president of the CNA

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 27, 2008 / Radu Teodorel, member of the Romanian National Audiovisual Council since 2003, was elected Vice-president of the Council by the other CNA members. He won against his competitor, Szasz Attila.

“I will continue my work at the Audiovisual Law just as before and I will insist on the digitalization process”, Radu Teodorel declared after he was named Vice-president.

Teodorel is a member of the CNA since 2003 and his mandate is due to expire on November 2008. Teodorel hopes that the Romanian Parliament would decide to extend his mandate as a member of the CNA. However, even in this case, the Vice-presidential elections will be resumed anyway.

Radu Teodorel competed for the Vice-president position with Szasz Attila and Grigore Zanc.

The main role of the Vice-president of the Romanian National Audiovisual Council is to take over the President’s responsibilities when he is not present. This position became vacant after the former Vice-president of the CNA, Gasparik Attila, resigned this position in order to become dean of the Theatrical Arts University in Targu Mures. (AC)

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