
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 29.05.2008 22:53:12

MARCOVICI-BBDO / Nora Marcovici is BBDO’s new CEO

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 29, 2008 / Nora Marcovici (45) will take over the position of Executive Manager of the advertising group BBDO Romania, after managing, for six years, the radio division of SBS Broadcasting Media (the company that also owns Romanian generalist national channel Prima TV).

The move becomes valid starting this June.

SBS’s radio division consists of the radio stations Kiss FM, Magic FM, One FM and the TV music station Kiss TV.

The present CEO of the advertising group, Dan Moraru (40), who has been leading BBDO Romania since 2003, will now lead Graffiti BBDO, the advertising agency of the group. However, he will also be in charge of some of BBDO Romania’s clients.

"My main objectives are diversifying the services to the existing clients and adding new areas of expertise to our group", says Nora Marcovici.

She will lead all the operations effected by the BBDO Romania group, which is made up of the agencies Graffiti BBDO (advertising agency), Media Direction (media), Proximity (CRM) and Pleon Graffiti (PR).

In 2006, BBDO’s income reached €58 million, and for 2007, the company’s management had an approximately 20% growth planned

BBDO Romania is one of the first three players on the local communication market. Its main competitors are McCann Erickson and Ogilvy. (AC)

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