
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 03.07.2008 16:46:45

BBC-ROMANIA-SHUT DOWN / BBC closes Romanian station

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / June 26, 2008 / BBC World Service decided to shut down the Romanian version of the BBC radio service, according to a press release issued by the radio channel. The station is expected to be literally closed on on August 1, 2008. BBC Romania presently broadcasts almost four hours a day and has its own website.

The Romanian version of the channel is the last BBC World Service station broadcasting in an EU country, in a language other than English.

The decision came following a reevaluation of the BBC WS structure from a financial point of view, the budget of the institution having been established together with the British Government in October 2007. The budget of the station was calculated for the 2008-2011 period.

The decision, which was taken based on an audience analysis, a market analysis, as well as on the evidence that BBC’s impact on the Romanian market had diminished, was approved by BBC’s Administrative Board, as well as by the British Foreign Ministry.

The changes will be made in the context of the financial pressures that BBC WS faces at the moment. The budget that was approved by the BBC board includes additional resources for new projects, such as an Arab language TV station and a Persian language TV station, but limits the use of this money by raising about 3% of the budget at the end of the year. In the last decade, BBC WS raised an average 2.7% from the annual budget, which amounts to 46 million pounds.

The decision to close the Romanian BBC station affects 46 employees (30 in Bucharest, 4 in Chisinau and 12 in London) and will result in 1.3 million pounds for the BBC budget.

BBC WS’s Manage, Nigel Chapman, said: “As all the other European stations we closed three years ago, the Romanian station was created during the Second World War and did its job from the communist era until now”.

The Romanian BBC station started broadcasting on September 15, 1939.

The BBC WS budget allocated by the British Foreign Ministry for 2008-2009 reached 265 million pounds.

BBC WS currently broadcasts in 33 languages. (AC)

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