
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 11.08.2008 15:32:18

ADVERTISING-LAW / The Romanian Audiovisual Communications Association claims the 12 ad limit gone

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / August 8, 2008 / The Romanian Audiovisual Communications Association (ARCA) claims that the „Audiovisual, Media, Internet” Directive, issued by the European Commission, include that the television advertising might surpass the 12 minutes per hour limit, under certain circumstances, according to a press release issued by ARCA.

The European Commission officials recently declared that "for those advertising forms that are not commercial clips, there is no time broadcast limit".

The famous rule "12 advertising minutes per hour at most" is thus no longer an absolute value and it no longer applies to the advertising forms that are included in the program, and that don't interrupt it (TV promotion, teleshopping, sponsorship, product placement), the ARCA release shows.

This intervention from Brussels comes in the context of an interpretive blockage which refers to the new European Directive for the Audiovisual Media Services, directive which brought changes to the rules regarding the advertising sector which could lead to the significant growth of the European TV stations' revenues through the non-intrusive advertising.

However, there were voices which said that the text of the Directive doesn't specifically say at which extent certain forms of advertising, other than the advertising clips, are excluded from the classical 12 advertising minutes per hour limit.

ARCA requested the European Commission a point of view concerning this problem. The Manager of the Directive “Audiovisual, Media, Internet”, Gregory Paulger, textually states that the advertising forms that are not advertising clips do not apply to the time limit. Among these forms are TV promotion, sponsorship, teleshopping and product placement or all that is generically called "other forms of advertising". (AC)

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