
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 10.09.2008 10:27:30

RADIO-BUSINESS / Romanian radio earnings in 2007

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 9, 2008 / The first three players on the Romanian radio market – groups SBS Broadcasting, Lagardere and MediaPro – had a total income of over €32 million in 2007, which is more than half the local radio market, estimated by the media network GroupM at €47.8 million in 2007.

SBS Broadcasting, operator of Kiss FM and Magic FM radio stations, ranks first in the list of the most significant radio groups in terms of turnover in 2007, with €15.4 million.

Lagardere Romania, operator of Europa FM and Radio 21 radio stations, which rank first in terms of audiences, posted turnover worth €13.1 million in 2007.

MediaPro, operator of Pro FM and Info Pro radio stations, posted turnover worth some €4 million last year.

According to the information published at the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the company SBS Broadcasting Media, which owns Kiss FM and Magic FM, as well as TV stations Prima TV and Kiss TV, had an income of €38.5 million in 2007. According to sources close to SBS, the radio activities gather around 40% of the total income of the company. (AC)

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